Thursday, January 23, 2020

WEF Annual Meeting sees Guangzhou Night debut

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 22 -- The Guangzhou Night event was organised at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting for the first time in Guangzhou, China recently.

Guangzhou Night was co-organised by the People’s Government of Guangzhou Municipality and Cedar Holdings, a Guangzhou home-grown conglomerate. Cedar Holdings ranked 301st on the Fortune Global 500 with US$40.6 billion in total revenue. (US$1 = RM4.06)

Guangzhou introduced itself to the world, shared information on its development opportunities and communicated its willingness to be open and cooperative, according to a statement.

Government representatives from dozens of countries and regions, senior executives of Fortune Global 500 companies and WEF participants from dozens of countries and regions attended the event.

With sophisticated creative design, Guangzhou Night brought the urban landscape, Cantonese food and cultural & artistic performance unique to Guangzhou to Davos in winter, showcasing the vitality and culture of this thousand-year-old trade hub.

During the Guangzhou Night, a SPA was signed that sees Cedar Holdings purchase the entire share capital of Stemcor, a Top three global independent steel and raw materials trading company headquartered in the United Kingdom.


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