Thursday, May 28, 2020

COVID-19: Majority organisations changed technology priorities - AppDynamics study

KUALA LUMPUR, May 27 -- AppDynamics, the world’s largest and fastest growing APM vendor has released its global research study, The Agents of Transformation Report with new findings related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a statement, the report reveals the pressures technologists are experiencing as they lead their organisations’ responses to the pandemic and how their priorities are changing as the rate of digital transformation accelerates.

The research highlights the majority of organisations (95 per cent) changed their technology priorities during the pandemic, and 88 per cent of technologists state the digital customer experience is now the priority.

Based on the study, 81 per cent of technologists state that COVID-19 has created the biggest technology pressure for their organisation they have ever experienced.

Almost two thirds (64 per cent) of technologists are now being asked to perform tasks and activities they have never done before.

Of those surveyed, 66 per cent of technologists confirm the pandemic has exposed weaknesses in their digital strategies, creating an urgent need to accelerate initiatives that were once part of multi-year digital transformation programmes.

Meanwhile, 74 per cent of technologists report that digital transformation projects which would typically take more than a year to be approved, have been signed off in a matter of weeks.

This research involved interviews with 1,000 IT professionals in 10 markets - the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Japan and Singapore between April 22 and May 6.


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