Friday, December 13, 2019

Macrogen announces Asian genome analysis result

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 5 -- The precision medicine and biotechnology company, Macrogen has announced the result of its Asian genome analysis, which has been performed through GenomeAsia 100K Initiative.

The study found that the genetic diversity of the approximately 142 ethnic groups living in Asia was far greater than what was found in previous studies, according to a statement.

Macrogen plans to use the database acquired via the project to develop its own Direct-to-Consumer genetic testing service, which will reflect different racial characteristics and supply related data worldwide through Macrogen’s affiliated overseas corporations and branches.

GenomeAsia 100K Initiative, an international consortium, was covered on the front page on the latest Nature (article titled The GenomeAsia 100K Project enables genetic discoveries across Asia).

It is a non-profit international consortium and has conducted a mass research project in order to analyse the genome data of 100,000 Asians since 2016.

Among the participating organisations include Macrogen (Korea) and the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital’s Precision Medicine Center (Korea); the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore); MedGenome (India) and Genentech (USA).

The research team performed whole-genome sequencing for a total 1,739 individuals including from India, Malaysia, Korea, Pakistan, Mongolia, China, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan and Russia.

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