Monday, December 7, 2020

Cloudflare’s Data Localization Suite gives global companies tools needed to control data

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 8 -- Cloudflare Inc has released Data Localization Suite to give global businesses tools to address their data locality, privacy, and compliance needs.

With Data Localization Suite, businesses can use Cloudflare’s global cloud network to control where their data goes and who has access to it –– no matter what countries they operate in, their industry, or their specific data protection obligations.

According to a statement, the Data Localization Suite helps businesses get the performance and security benefits of Cloudflare’s global network, while making it easy to set rules and controls at the edge about where their data is stored and protected.

Cloudflare’s Data Localization Suite gives global companies tools needed to control data: Cloudflare’s Data Localization Suite gives globa

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