Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Taiwan-made bicycle spins wheel of fortune over global demand

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 -- Bicycle manufacturing has long been Taiwan's standout industry, having earned the reputation as ‘The Bicycle Kingdom’ with nearly 70 per cent of the global mid-to-high-end bicycle demand fulfilled by Taiwan yearly.

Annually, Taiwan exports over two million traditional bicycles globally. Road bike exports have comprised a stable 20-30  per cent in the past few years, while mountain bikes now take up 60 per cent of the exports to the United States as mainstream demand is on the rise.

In contrast, due to the increasing popularity of various high-profile cycling events and of leisure riding recently, the demand for road bikes in the European market is almost equivalent to that of mountain bikes, and the Asian market also shows a similar rising trend year by year.

Giant and Merida, the two major bicycle companies in Taiwan, have become leading brands in the world, and their road bikes are often selected by professional cyclists and their teams for competitions.

Besides the two leading brands, other rising Taiwanese brands such as DIZO, BESV, and VOLANDO also hold prominent places in the road bike industry, according to a statement.

DIZO derives its name from the Taiwanese homophony ‘customised’, indicating that its products are made in Taiwan and tailored to customer needs, featuring unique and bespoke designs.

Although BESV and VOLANDO Innovation joined the industry later, they still have been able to quickly make their bikes by leveraging the groups' inherent competitive advantages based on high-end golf heads and electronic control system development.

Also, the road bikes, specifically electric road bikes, from both companies have won the coveted Taiwan Excellence Award.


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